Hunting On ‘The Rock’
See why hunting in Canada, Newfoundland & Labrador is a lifetime adventure no hunter can miss.

Newfoundland Big Game Grand Slam. High Success Rates. Pristine Wilderness. Expert Guides.
Newfoundland and Labrador, an untouched wilderness, has some of the most desired big game species in Canada. Moreover, this province boasts the densest moose population in the world, and it is the only place where you can hunt woodland caribou. In addition, you will find some of the biggest black bears in North America here. Our experienced guides, high success rates besides the diverse cultural add-ons will make your hunting trip memorable.

Hunting in Canada: an experience like no other.
About Us
Our mission at Passion and Prey Hunting Services is to share our love for hunting. Of course, we are using only the most ethical and modern standards for sustainability and conservation. Above all we care about nature, and we are committed to always showing respect to the animals that sacrifice their lives for our passion. Expect a no-waste hunting approach in addition to high success rates. Our expert guides and staff custom-make your ultimate adventure in Newfoundland & Labrador, both on and off the hunting field.
Please note: some photos ©Ron Hann and provided courtesy of Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism
Why Newfoundland & Labrador?
Plan Your Perfect Trip With Us
We work with clients to provide high quality, high-success rate and ethical hunting trips in Newfoundland and Labrador. From pre-hunt planning to post-hunt processes, our staff handles all the details. As a result, you can focus on making memories.
Partnering with local outfitters and non-profit tourism organizations, we not only take you hunting in Canada, but also help plan all the excursions you like – whether that is fishing on the Atlantic, dancing on some of the oldest streets in North America, watching whales, and everything in between.
Our Partners
We have built longstanding partnerships with famous local companies and non-profit organizations, so that you can trust our experiences and recommendations.
Newfoundland ‘Grand Slam’
Eastern Canadian Moose
Moose hunting in Newfoundland and Labrador is currently the best value moose hunting in the world. In fact, this province has the world’s densest moose population: 2-3 animals per square mile. A mature bull can weight up to 1,200 pounds with 40-50 inch trophies. While the average expected trophy size is about 40 inches spread, with 12-22 points, a few lucky hunters come across some 50 or 50+ inch “monster” bulls in every season.
Overall rifle hunters’ success rate is 85%. On the other hand, bow and arrow hunts and muzzleloader hunts are also welcomed.
Rifle moose hunts start on September 15th, while bowhunting usually starts 2 weeks earlier. Of course, these hunts can be combined with woodland caribou and stumble-upon bear.
Woodland Caribou
The island of Newfoundland is the only place on earth where non-resident hunters can hunt woodland caribou. Some great herds of caribou live in Central and Southwest Newfoundland, migrating here for better food sources during the year. There are also some scattered, smaller herds in other areas, usually with slightly smaller trophies. Without a doubt, this is a very limited opportunity, with high success rates. For example, non-resident hunters for woodland caribou have experienced more than a 90% success rate, with mature bulls weighing anywhere from 350 to 500 pounds.
Because the numbers of the available licenses are constantly dropping, we recommend you book your caribou hunt one or two years in advance.
Black Bear
Black bears are big here – some top a whopping 650 pounds. There are two black bear seasons in Newfoundland – one in the spring (mid-June to mid-July) and one in the fall (September – November) with rifle or bow. Fall bear hunts take place during moose and caribou hunting season, therefore offering good combinations. These hunts are taken on mostly open barren blueberry fields. While spring bear hunts are on bait, with high success rates. Some of our outfitters offer a baited fall bear hunt as well. You can take two black bears (either sex) per licence. It can also be combined with salmon or trout fishing, whale and bird watching, eco-tours, and sightseeing of destination cities (such St. John’s, Gander, and Bonavista) besides any other historical, cultural, and culinary events.
Small Game
While hunting in Canada for big game, you can also come across coyote, wolf, snowshoe hare, willow ptarmigan, rock ptarmigan, ruffed grouse, and spruce grouse. Migratory game birds include ducks, geese, and snipe.
Ask us about add-ons.
Start Your Adventure
We’re ready to answer all your questions and help you plan your Newfoundland & Labrador adventure. Please email us at, call 709-769-5444 or use the message box below with any inquiries, or to request pricing information or a complete quote.
Start Your Adventure
We’re ready to answer all your questions and help you plan your Newfoundland & Labrador adventure. Please email us at, call 709-769-5444 or use the message box below with any inquiries, or to request pricing information or a complete quote.

How To Get Here?
Travelling to Newfoundland is easier than many realize. Flying time to St. John’s from Toronto is about 3.5 hours, and it’s just about 5 hours from London. If you plan to drive, a ferry from Nova Scotia is also a popular option.
What's the Weather like?
Newfoundland weather is famously unpredictable, but also relatively mild. The average summer temperature is 16ºC (61ºF), while in the winter the average is 0ºC (32º F). And of course you can expect clean, fresh sea air all year long.
How Many Moose Are On The Island?
There’s a reason for our high success rates. Approximately 120,000 Eastern Canadian moose live on the island of Newfoundland.
Black Bear Population On The Island?
There are about 10,000 black bears on the island, some topping a whopping 650 pounds. Our black bears tend to be bigger due to genetic predisposition and low hunting pressures.
Newfoundland hospitality. Extended to the hunting fields.
Our inclusive hunting trips are tailored to your needs, physical fitness and budget. We have special offers for the fanatics: staying in spike camps with a minimum level of comfort. As for more laid-back hunters we offer staying in high-end lodges with 5-star services and everything in between. Most of our camps have double bed rooms and are equipped with running hot water and kitchen with staff. We always ensure that both trophy and meat hunters will get the most out of their hunts.
Newfoundland and Labrador has a reputation for being friendly, warm and welcoming, fun loving and funny to the core. The people here are also known for their natural creativity, unique language, and knack for storytelling. And the province is world renowned for its natural beauty. Working with our partners, we will give you a hunting trip filled with excitement, adventure and a sense of accomplishment. We are happy to help arrange additional activities, such as whale-watching, fishing, guided tours of national parks and heritage sights, sea kayaking, hiking, and much more.
What Our Clients Say
More Ways To Enjoy The Most Easterly Province
We’re crazy about hunting in Canada, but it’s not the only way to enjoy this beautiful province. Explore your many options below.
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