Hunt for medal range trophy animals
Available Species
Hunt beautiful game with high success rates, using the very latest in conservation standards. We help with all the planning, guiding and logistics. This way you can focus on your passion and your chosen species.
Red Stag (Cervus elaphus)
SCI ID # E05
Hungary, Romania & Slovakia
We hunt for the majestic King of the Forest on Hungary’s most prestigious hunting grounds as well as among the rolling hills of the Carpathian mountains in Romania and Slovakia. These habitats produce trophies between 6-9kg, while red deer on the plains can be 10-14kg, offering the harvest of a lifetime.
Season: Sept 1 – Jan 31
Mature Stag: Sept 1 – Oct 31
Rutting Season: September
Cull Hunt/ Female Deer Season: Nov 1 – Jan 31
Fallow Buck (Dama dama)
SCI ID # E01
We like to hunt for fallow buck in Hungary, because the country boasts the world’s best fallow deer population. You can expect a lot of record size trophies thanks to perfect genetics and superior wild game management. In fact, Hungarian fallow bucks were used in genetic improvement programs in Australia, New-Zealand, and England in the 1070’s-1990’s. We hunt in 3-4 sub-regions, where the expected trophy weight can reach an astonishing 5.00-5.50 kg+ range.
Season: October 1st – January 31
Rut Season: October
Cull Hunt/Female Deer: Nov 1 – Jan 31
Roe Buck (Capreolus capreolus)
SCI ID # E02
Hungary & Romania
Season: April 15 – September 30
Rut Season: Late July – Early August
Female Deer Season: Oct 1 – Jan 31
Mouflon Ram (Ovis aries musimon)
SCI ID # E29
Hungary & Czech Republic
We hunt mouflon ram in their hilly habitat, between 1,500 – 3,000 feet above sea level. The terrain and the mouflon’s high alertness make this hunt challenging – and success highly rewarding. While the best time for mouflon hunting is from November to January, we have year-round options in certain areas under special permits. Eastern Europe has very strong Mouflon stocks. As a result, the expected trophy size is between 85-95 cm horn length (34-37 inches) in free range habitats, and can exceed 100 cm (39-40 inches) in high-fenced areas. See how exciting hunting for Europe’s only member of the sheep family can be!
Ram: Oct 1 – Feb 28
Rut Season: November
Ewe, Lamb: Sept 1 – Jan 31

Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
SCI ID # E14, E34
Romania, Austria & France
We offer chamois hunting in both the Southern Carpathians in Romania, where the world’s biggest trophies can be found, and among the sharp hilltops of the Austrian Alps. All of our camp locations provide thrilling, challenging, and ethical spot and stalk hunts for real mountain lovers. We consider both sexes to be trophy animals because of their similarly sized and shaped horns. During the rut season from mid October to mid November, the males’ coats turn black, and they show strong territorial activity, making the hunt very exciting. Please note that good physical conditions are required for this hunt.
Season: Sept 15 – Dec 15

Alpine Ibex (Capra ibex ibex)
SCI ID # E13
We hunt the most prestigious King of the European Capra family on the sharp hilltops of the Austrian Alps. Hunting for Alpine Ibex is a great success story of conservation and strict wild game management programs. The limited number of licenses make this species highly desired among Capra Slam collectors. Our knowledgeable local guides help us reach our goals in the high mountains, pre-scouting and guiding for the best trophies available. Trophy size is around 85-90 cm. Please note that this hunt requires good physical condition.
Season: Sept 1 – Dec 31
Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)
SCI ID # E20
Hungary, Romania & Turkey
This native, massive, strong and intelligent animal’s population has increased over the past decades. Giving us thrilling and action-packed hunting opportunities. The biggest males can grow up to 500 pounds, armed with sharp, deadly tusks. This, plus their self-confident and sometimes aggressive temperament, makes the animal dangerous game. We offer all year round high-seat and stalking hunting options, and no-limit shooting driven hunts over the fall and winter months. Bags from driven hunts can reach 60-80 animals a day, because we use well trained beaters and a flock of dogs. We hunt both on free range and high fenced hunting areas in Hungary and Romania. In some areas, we can also shoot female deer and mouflon during driven hunts, making the day even more exciting and colorful.
Season: All Year Round
Driven Hunts: Nov 1 – Jan 31
Small Game – Pheasant, Partridge, Duck, Geese and Hare
Season: Oct 1 – Jan 31
Eastern Canadian Moose
The moose was first introduced to the island of Newfoundland in the early 1900’s, and the population’s density is now the highest in the world. Even though the average Newfoundland moose trophy size is smaller than those in the Yukon or Alaska, Newfoundland hunts are still considered the best price and value. Our hunters can expect to see several animals during a day of spot and stalk hunting. During the rut season the males are really responsive for calling, so bow & arrow hunting is a realistic option to harvest closely called bulls. We hunt from road access as well as fly-in camps, offering different budget and comfort level options. Thanks to our well located camps and knowledgeable local guides, we keep our success rate above 85%. Hunters should be well prepared for unpredictable weather conditions.
Season: Sept 15 – Nov 10
Rut Season: Late Sept – Early Oct
Woodland Caribou
(Rangifer tarandus caribou)
Season: Mid Sept – Mid Nov
Rut Season: October

Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
Spring: June – Early July
Fall: September – Early November

Anatolian Bezoar (Capra aegagrus aegagrus)
Turkey is a blend of European and Asian cultures, and the ultimate destination for one of the most elegant and sought-after ibex species: the Anatolian Bezoar.
The Bezoar Ibex is without a doubt one of the most characterized of all Ibex species and well desired trophy for Capra lovers. We have close to 100 % success on billys above 40 inches, and our exclusively managed places 50 + inches world-class animals can be promised. As the hunt takes place among steep hills up to 2,500 m (7,000 feet) above the sea level, the hunters’ great level of fitness raises the chance of more effective and successful hunt.
Anatolian Chamois or Wild Boar also huntable species, therefore combo hunts are feasible.
Addition to hunting, our guests can get a taste of the thousand-year old culture and history of the land of sultans.

Siberian Moose
We offer an authentic hosted trip in one of the most remote places on Earth for modern sportsmen seeking adventure. We hunt along the Omolon river’s hills and valleys in Eastern Siberia for the Giant Moose.
Thanks to the limited hunting pressure in this region, our hunters can expect great results with trophy size of 60”-65”, up to even 70”.
Here, in the world’s last and largest untouched tundra and taiga reserve, you can add Brown Bear, Snow Sheep, Caribou or Wolf hunts during the trip.

Marco Polo & Central-Asian Ibex
We hunt for the majestic Marco Polo Argali and Mid-Asian Ibex in Kyrgyzistan. Located in the heart of Central Asia, this country is known for its natural beauty and stunning views. In the mountainous regions of southeast Kyrgyzstan, our hunts take place at altitudes ranging from 10,000 – 15,000 feet (3,000 to 4,500 meters). These hunting areas are rich in game population of both species. So our guests can observe 100 or more Marco Polo during a day of spot and stalk hunting. The expected trophy size of Marco Polo ranges between 45”-55”, while for the Mid-Asian Ibex the average trophy size is 39”-43”. Due to the demanding hikes and potentially extreme weather conditions, accurate preparation is required for this hunt.

Marco Polo & Ibex
Tajikistan is the home of the longest horned Marco Polo Argali on Earth. Thanks to the solid population of Marco Polo and Ibex, consistent wild game management and strong genetic, the Pamir plateau is one of the most desired destinations among sheep hunters.
As a result of pre-scouting the hunting area, Marco Polo trophies can reach the dream mid 50” or even 60″ range; and a mid-40” Ibex is also realistic.
Due to the possibly extreme weather conditions and the high altitude, hunting in the Pamir might be physically and mentally challenging.
Season: September 15 – December 15

Tien-Shan Maral & Mid-Asian Ibex
Thanks to the outstanding game population and great trophy quality, Kazakhstan is our go-to destination for hunting Tien-Shan Maral and Mid-Asian Ibex. Surrounded by diverse and beautiful
landscapes, our hunts take place at an altitude of 6,000-9,000 feet
(2000 – 2500 m).
We recommend these exciting, horseback hunts for hunters looking for a great first-time Asian experience and high-quality trophies. Mid-Asian Ibex in 40”-45” range and Tien-Shan Maral with trophy up to 12-14kg. Our long-term relationship with local professionals is the assurance for success in Kazakhstan’s hunting fields.

Altai, Hangai, Gobi Argali & Altai, Gobi Ibex
We offer nomadic hunting trips in the Gobi Desert and Altai-Hangai region to pursue the world’s biggest bodied and horned Argali rams and Ibex species. We hunt for all 3 Mongolian Argali species: the Gobi, Altai and Hangai Argali as well as the Altai and Gobi Ibex.
Mongolian hunting connections are very important and valuable to us as we, Hungarians have common ancestors with Mongolians. When it comes to hunting, the horse-archery and falconry traditions are still alive, cultivated and highly respected in both countries. Thanks to this sentimental relationship, Hungarians and their guests are always treated as friends in the country.
Please note that due to the limited number of available licenses and long distances between the hunting areas of the different argali species, the Mongolian argali trips are always custom-tailored and escorted by a member of our team.

Muntjac & Chinese Water Deer
We offer affordable 3-4 days hunting trips for two unique deer species at same hunting area in England. The area is located north of London, a half-hour drive away from Luton Airport, near Woburn. The hunting takes place in 4-5 smaller areas where both the Muntjak and Chinese Water Deer are present with excellent trophy quality.
The hunt is guided by a local professional hunter, following the local wild game management practices and hunting regulations. Ideally 1-2 hunter can be served at the same hunting area at once, we can host and guide a group of maximum 4 hunters. Due to the excellent deer population and the assistance of the local guides, the success rate for both deer species is close to 100 %. Most of the hunts are ending with harvesting medal range trophy animals.
In addition to CWD and Muntjac, we can also arrange Red Stag and Fallow Buck hunting in the same hunting region.

We organize 6-days hunting trips in Mozambique-Zambezi. The hunting ground is located in the Zambezian Delta where the Zambezi River flows into the Indian Ocean. This vast marshland made up of thousands of islands, lagoons, forest patches, meadows and swamps is an undisturbed wildlife paradise. It is excellent for buffalo, crocodile and plains game hunting. Higher elevation hunting areas provide African bush-hunting options for solitary bulls.
The best timing for buffalo and crocodile is from June to August, while for buffalo and plains game the September – November period is ideal.
More Species Coming Soon – Stay Tuned!
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